Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am actually going to blog!

Just recently my husband and I along with Chelsea (our sitter and good friend) and his parents went to the mountains for some much need fresh air.

This is Betty, Lynn, and Chels!
We stayed in Pigeon Forge for a few days and did absolutely what we wanted to do! Now I haven't mentioned yet how much I love Fall...well, I really love Fall! There is such a powerful change in the air, on the trees, in my heart when Fall comes around. It is kind of like a comfort food :).
To go on and tell you what a wonderful vacation it was would be an understatement! I did not want to come home! I could walk outside on the front porch and hear the train whistling through Dollywood! When I looked over the edge of the porch, my toes were at the tops of multicolored trees! Yellows, oranges and the brightest reds I have ever seen on leaves.

Here are my husband and my two year old son looking at the Dollywood Express!
Doesn't the tree behind it look like it is on fire?

Well, we did all of the sightseeing on the strip that we could stand, t-shirt shops, Christmas shops and soooo much more.
We even went to the Dixie Stampede! It was so much fun and to my amazement, Ayden had a blast! He was able to see horses up close and he fell in love! Every time he saw one in a field on a picture or anywhere for that matter he yelled "horse"! The next day we went into Gatlinburg and had my most favorite lunch of all! Fanny Farkles...yummmm :). They make a footlong corndog that is so delicious you WILL keep going back! That time made my third time. So B.J.'s parents were new to the place and this is what they thought of it!

That is one big corndog!

From Fanny Farkles we went to the Gatlingburg's Ripley's Aquarium. That is where Ayden just about lost his little mind! He just didn't know which way to turn! He loves Nemo so therefore he was very familiar with fish! We could tell how amazed he was at all of the different things he was seeing. In the tunnel a large shark swam over us and he was quick to wrap those little chubby arms and legs tight around me. Ayden and B.J. were very lucky and happened to be in the penguin exhibit when it was feeding time (there are these tubes that extend upward into the glassed in area so you actually are standing side by side the penguins)!
It was quite a day to remember.

This is Ayden and his daddy looking for Nemo ;)

Whew! What a long day that was...well the weekend was coming to an end and we still had that eight hour drive home. But that was not stopping us from doing one more thing. Cade's Cove. The last time we were there we saw tons of wildlife...this time the wild people were leaving us searching for the animals :(. Though we didn't see anything but the HORSES, it was a beautiful sight to ride through the mountains and not see another road, or road signs, and just enjoy the scenery! We were lucky enough to see a deer for a split second before the dummies in the car in front of us got out yelling, "look at the deer". What were they thinking?

Yes, I managed to get a pic of her!

B.J. and I sang in this little church where the acoustics were beautiful, while other visitors listened. It was a beautiful was Sunday and I was in a church :).

"At the crossing, of the Jordan. Why should I be afraid? There'll be someone there to guide me, across the endless joys above".
My sweet boy in the church.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are the pictures coming?

Don't mind me, I am just trying to see if I am capable of inserting an image with my post!

I am obsessed with any and all GINGERBREAD!

gingerbread house.
Originally uploaded by silje/vanilje
So, this just doesn't come up around the holidays! All year long I am on the hunt for the next best gingerbread thing! I love the way it tastes, smells, looks....everything!
Yes, it is "just" a cookie but to me it means childhood. I love to build the houses no matter how mad they may make me when the roof begins to slide off, or the candies start falling off too. The little gingerboy and gingergirl shapes are just too adorable with their red smiles of royal icing and their cute outfits that remind me of Germany.
This year I have started a tradition in our little family. We are going to make new gingerbread ornaments for our Christmas tree each year! Our tree is kind of themed around cookies, candies, and personal interest so to add this delicious smelling cookie to it will be the icing on the cake!

Playing with design!

Hi! I am really excited because I was actually able to figure out how to change some settings on my blog! You may think this is kinda silly to get excited over, but I have NEVER kept a blog much less designed one! I am REALLY excited about sharing some upcoming adventures so I have to know how to post it "pretty"! Please hang in there while I play around and I am always open to suggestions!