Loving ths time of the year.

It is literally DAYS before Christmas! To say the least, I have been super busy! With the baking, the church activities, and all of the fun events....I have been stretched thin! I have also been one other thing....very slack with my BLOGGING!

I want to be an avid blogger and make it look all cute and creative, but I haven't been able to slow down and play with it yet!!!! Ok..now that I have gotten that out....

I LOVE CHRISTMAS and all of the things about it!

This year is the first year that my little Ayden is really realizing what all of the fuss is about! He is so excited about all of the colorful lights and Santa Claus and all of the presents under the tree! We have also been telling him that it is Jesus's birthday and he sings "Happy Birthday" every now and then..it is super cute!

I think that each year as a mommy and a wife I am realizing how important it is to make memories that last. This year I have tried real hard to be creative and do things that maybe I wanted to do as a child with my child. We have made ornaments and gingerbread houses, traveled far to see beautiful Christmas lights, learned Christmas songs with Ayden, watched two Christmas plays, made lots of Christmas candy, and most importantly...we have made Jesus the main focus of all of our festivities. Without Christmas there would be no Easter and to have both of these we need Jesus. So to not forget the real meaning of Christmas we have just been really mindful of how we celebrate it :) .

Not that we haven't been enjoying the fun and beauty of the holiday! We took Ayden to see Santa and it was going pretty well until he spotted the large radio controlled trainset that was close by. Then he made a beeline to the big toy!!! Needless to say, our picture with Santa is not very happy, but on the other hand..we know that Ayden will LOVE his gift that Santa is bringing ;) .

I pray that all of you remember the real reason for the season and have a very blessed Christmas...and as I will always say ...MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope that I wll be blogging again before the New Year!