Saturday, November 13, 2010

I am obsessed with any and all GINGERBREAD!

gingerbread house.
Originally uploaded by silje/vanilje
So, this just doesn't come up around the holidays! All year long I am on the hunt for the next best gingerbread thing! I love the way it tastes, smells, looks....everything!
Yes, it is "just" a cookie but to me it means childhood. I love to build the houses no matter how mad they may make me when the roof begins to slide off, or the candies start falling off too. The little gingerboy and gingergirl shapes are just too adorable with their red smiles of royal icing and their cute outfits that remind me of Germany.
This year I have started a tradition in our little family. We are going to make new gingerbread ornaments for our Christmas tree each year! Our tree is kind of themed around cookies, candies, and personal interest so to add this delicious smelling cookie to it will be the icing on the cake!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love the idea of making new gingerbread ornaments for the tree each year! You'll have to post pictures!

